Monday, August 25, 2014


No, not the store.

This is really inspiring me today - which is always welcome, but especially on a Monday.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Eating ... french fries and the best key lime pie left over from my sister's wedding last weekend. A well-balanced lunch!
Drinking ... H2O in an attempt to re-hydrate after this weekend of celebratory drinks.
Practicing ... absolutely ZERO self-control. But tomorrow is a new day, I suppose.
Mastering ... calligraphy. Check back with me in 12-15 years.
Learning ... about setting goals and how to start a business.
Listening ... to the vent and air conditioner directly above my desk.
Playing ... house.
Reading ... calligraphy, style, and design blogs. Also, The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. But no magazines (because New Year's Resolution)
Watching ... the summer melt away too fast!
Walking ... less frequently that I want to. Here's to trekking around the neighborhood and beyond while the weather is still warm!
Wearing ... clothes on a Tuesday that are probably more suited for Casual Friday. Whewps.
Cooking ... with ingredients via Blue Apron starting tomorrow. I'm so excited to try it out and I'm looking forward to spending some quality couple time in the kitchen.
Working ... on my ability to wake up early. So far it's not going very well.
Traveling ... just enough even though my wallet says "too much".
Wanting ... motivation.

Later this month I will be turning 27 and setting some goals for my 28th year. Looking forward to it!